UETIANS Endowment Foundation



UETIANS Lahore Endowment Foundation (www.ULEFUSA.org), is the collection of funds and gifts in bequests, primarily from the Alumni of the University of Engineering & Technology Lahore, that support students, faculty, and the foundation’s stated missions specific to their Alma Mater. ULEFUSA endowed funds cannot be used for any activity that does not advance stated goals of the Alma Mater.  Endowment funds are designed to be sustainable over the long term, typically to honor a donor’s intent for their gift in perpetuity or as instructed by the donor in writing otherwise. At ULEFUSA, the governing board makes all financial decisions by a 2/3 majority and the executive Administrator/COO makes all the actual distributions in accordance with the board’s approved intent. The endowed funds and assets by ULEFUSA are held in investment accounts by Fidelity Investments, a third party, only a single annual percent draw can be made by board approval for its annual budget. The amount of each annual draw shall be based on the previous 3 years average Return on Investment but not to exceed 10% of funds. A special draw in addition to the annual draw can only be made by the approval of 2/3 majority of the general body.

These are the two fundamental guiding rules for ULEFUSA fund managers.

  • Endowed assets are invested in perpetuity in diversified instruments seeking growth as well as income
  • Only ROI or appreciation of the assets can be used in funding projects aimed at goals set by the foundation

Sound investment strategies designed to help the foundation achieve its objectives are an essential and basic requirement for fund management. ULEFUSA governing board in consultation with the Board of Advisors appoints, a third-party independent professional investment institution like Fidelity Investments that specializes in endowments, and helps it protect and grow the foundation funds, all decisions are independently made by the investment professional under the governing board’s strict guidance but free of any individual influence from governing board. From re-thinking portfolio construction to optimizing private market allocations to focusing on sustainability, sharia, and the full spectrum of public and private market strategies to help reach their goals. For more specific information on fund management and how to donate, please contact us by mail or email us at admin@ulefusa.org