UETIANS Endowment Foundation



The UETIANS Lahore Endowment Foundation, www.ulefusa.org, is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization registered in The State of Texas, founded and supported by University of Engineering and Technology Lahore (UET) alumni. Our primary mission is to establish an Endowment that directly benefits UET Lahore. The Endowment aims to enhance the institution’s pursuit of academic excellence as explained through the following mission statement.

MISSION: The Foundation’s mission is to partner with UET alumni and other donors in providing philanthropic support to the University, enhancing its educational mission. This includes:

  • Enhancing Educational Programs: Introducing emerging technologies, upgrading facilities, engaging foreign trained instructors, and establishing state-of-the-art laboratories.
  • Fostering Innovation: Supporting advanced research and development (R&D), cultivating critical thinking, promoting entrepreneurship, and fostering collaboration with local and American industries.
  • Creating Opportunities: Providing access to higher education for UET Lahore students, offering internships, supporting startups, and contributing to a stronger job market in both Pakistan and North America.

MEMBERSHIP: Membership in the foundation is open to all UET Lahore alumni. The Endowment is overseen by a Board of Directors with a three-year term, elected by the membership.

  • Associate Member, minimum donation of US$100 per annum.
  • Voting Member, minimum donation of US$1000 per annum with rights to vote
  • Lifetime Member, aggregate US$50,000 donation with rights to vote and be elected to The Board

GENERAL BODY: The General Body consists of the Foundation’s Members and serves the following functions:

  • Receives annual audited reports of the Foundation through emails or other effective means.
  • Elects the Foundation Board in accordance with the bylaws.

These meetings of the General Body are referred to as the General Assembly. Regular meetings of the General Assembly shall be convened annually at a time and place determined by the Board. Special meetings of the General Assembly may be called by the Chairperson of the Board upon a written request by a majority of all Board members or upon a written request by twenty (20) percent of all voting members in good standing. The quorum for the General Assembly shall consist of not less than one-third of the total voting members.

BOARD: The Foundation’s Board of Directors will include a Chairperson, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. This governing body will be tasked with overseeing and coordinating foundation activities, including the management of day-to-day operations, by establishing and enforcing policies and procedures. It’s important to note that officers will not receive any compensation for their time, except for the Executive Administrator and any staff members approved for compensation by the Board.

AREA AMBASSADORS: Area Ambassadors are UETIANS and leaders in their community, passionate and who can help promote common cause within their networks, assist the board in fundraising efforts, participate in elections, and contribute to the foundation’s progress.

ADVISORS: Advisors are UETIANS, that are leaders in Education and Technology and can contribute and advise in introducing new technologies and any enhancements in &D projects that help achieve excellence in education at our Alma Mater. Advisors will act as an important lynchpin in driving key R&D projects and Technology Lab upgrades.